Album Preview + Video Premiere! The Silks - Live Bootleg

Album Preview + Video Premiere! The Silks - Live Bootleg

What’s better than seeing The Silks play live?

That’s not some snarky lead in from this music blogger, that’s an actual question directed at each of you.

In the nearly-three-years time since I first saw the fellas from The Silks drop their blues-laden rock-n-fucking-roll on an audience, they’re probably the band I’ve spent the most time seeing live. And there’s certainly good reason for that.

In that first review of their live show, yours truly stated:

“…if you’re lucky — maybe you get a band that makes you want to go buy a Firebird and drive around with the T-tops off while pumping your fist in the air. That band, ladies and gentle dudes is The Silks.”

And I’m happy to report that still holds 100% true.

I’m also happy to report that that live show is coming to a computer screen and listening device near you really soon.

September 29th, actually. Pre-order right here.

Recorded late last year at the infamous Fallout Shelter as part of the Extended Play sessions, The Silks Live Bootleg is a ten-track spin through choice tracks from each of the band’s first two albums (2016’s Turn Me On and 2013’s Last American Band,) which, coincidentally, have earned the boys Boston Music Award nominations two years running (with a victory in the Blues Artist of the Year category, last year.)

The Silks will celebrate the album premiere with a release show including special guest Sarah Borges on September 29, 2017 at the Met in Pawtucket, RI (get your tickets here.)

But thankfully you don’t have to wait that long to get a sneak peek.

We here at MusicSavage are honored to premiere the video for our favorite track off the live album “Mount Man” right here:

So if you had any doubt before, hopefully that video gives you enough of a taste to know two things:

  1. You should own this record and you should play it loud.
  2. You should be seeing The Silks play live every chance you get.