Apex Manor - The Year of Magical Drinking

Under the Gun

Apex Manor is the now defunct Broken West, lead by singer songwriter Ross Flournoy continuing the tradition set forth by the Broken West.  Apex Manor released their debut record, The Year of Magical Drinking, to the world on Merge Records this week, and by no stretch is it less than fantastic.

Infectious tracks, fuzzy guitars, and a dialed down twangy infused power pop sprinkled all over this album give it a warm glow.   The album is immediately accessible and not in a bad way, its got this timeless quality to it, every song feels honest and straight forward.  Although the music is very ‘Broken West’ this is very much Flournoy’s album, if this driving record is the debut the sky seems to be the limit for these guys.

Buy The Year Of Magical Drinking

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