Built by Animals Corporate Syndrome EP

Teenage Rampage

Built by Animals is a rock trio based in Brooklyn, New York. Their music draws comparisons to Vampire Weekend, the Strokes and the Unicorns; to which I’d agree with.  Their EP, Corporate Syndrome is loosely a concept album chronicling the growth of someone from high school through the corporate arena.  Although I’m not sure the concept works, the songs do.  Teenage Rampage, is a party song that is quite catchy and you’ll find yourself really enjoying bobbing your head to it; the jangly guitars and the mild afro beat stylings, speak to a reminiscence of  Vampire Weekend’s A-Punk.

The EP is totally solid and worth a listen, so go out and Buy their EP, Corporate Syndrome here.

After the break check the video for Return to the Power Kingdom.

Built by Animals – The Return to the Power Kingdom from Jay Sprogell on Vimeo.
