David Lamb


photo credit Boston Concert Photography

[W]e here at Music Savage mourn the loss of Brown Bird singer-songwriter David Lamb, who passed away on Saturday after a brave battle with leukemia. He was diagnosed with the illness last May and thanks to a massive fundraising effort started by fellow Brown Bird musician (and Lamb’s wife) MorganEve Swain through the website YouCaring, he was able to receive the medication and care needed to put up a good, hard fight.

Last December Brown Bird released a beautiful track about that fight titled “Weathering,” which was written after a round of chemotherapy and recorded after Lamb received a bone marrow transplant in September. It is an ode to a life that has suddenly become so much more than the daily routine, so much more than one might have expected, and yet so blessed for the time that has been granted. The song has become one of my favorites.

We have posted many times about Brown Bird over the years, and we were not alone in our love for the Rhode Island based duo. Lamb and Swain created a beautiful sound rooted deep in Americana folklore and filled with unflinching stories about life, love, death, and everything in-between. Their music was instantly recognizable and hard to categorize at the same time. Their love for each other, and for the songs they created together, made it easy to be a fan. Lamb’s lyrical prowess and foot-stomping showmanship made him bigger than life on stage. I’m so grateful I got to witness it for myself and so sad that I won’t be able to again.

There will be a celebration of David’s life tomorrow, April 8th, at the Columbus Theatre in Providence, RI. The event is free and open to the public and will feature performances by some of David’s closest friends including Joe Fletcher, Death Vessel, Alec K Redfearn, and Last Good Tooth. Doors are at 7:30pm, event starts at 8:30pm.

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