Frontier Ruckus - Deadmalls & Nightfalls

Nerves of the Nightmind

Frontier Ruckus may be a name you’ve heard, they might not be for that matter.  But what’s important is that you hear their music.  The folk inspired Deadmalls & Nightfalls got to my mailbox in late September, I’ve listened through multiple times, over and over again I felt like the album was totally worth sharing.  I’ve had trouble getting the right words out, which seems to happen when I really enjoy something; it makes writing and talking about it all that more difficult.

Frontier Ruckus’ Deadmalls & Nightfalls was named after an abandoned strip mall lead singer Matthew Milia’s mother worked at, but seems to be an homage to his memories tied to being a native to Metro Detroit.  He makes wonderful illustrations of these memories throughout the album.  Milia’s songwriting is absolutely top-notch and the music is totally fitting.  A mixture of elements from banjo, to dobro, to horns, to harmonica; they all fit in to make a fantastic sound.

This is one of the more perfect albums to listen to this fall, although it was a July release, its an absolute perfect album for fall.  Foliage and a long drive with Frontier Ruckus could be just what is needed as these days get shorter and colder.

Buy Deadmalls And Nightfalls

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