#HotTakes | Week of 03.05.2018

#HotTakes | Week of 03.05.2018

Songs that we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.

Offa My Hands // Jessica Lea Mayfield

On Your Own // Bad Pop

Over Rainbows and Rainier // Damien Jurado
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Saturday, May 19 @ Brighton Music Hall

Hell-On // Neko Case
Upcoming Boston Area Shows: Saturday & Sunday, June 23, 24 @ Blue Hills Bank Pavilion

In Between Stars // Eleanor Friedberger

Fine Line // Parker Millsap

Forever Mine // Eternal Summers

Unborn Cars // Organised Scum

Bonehead // Harry Permezel

SLUFF // Naked Giants

Being Scared // Mia Dyson