New Music | Death Valley Girls - Summertime

Death Valley Girls

Do you ever know that you’re going to like a song when you’re like two notes in? Welcome to my life yesterday when I first listened to Death Valley Girls’ “Summertime.”

These bad broads (and one bad dude) come blazing out of LA, leaving, I can only assume, a swath of destruction and broken hearts in their wake. Borne on a wave of surfy, fuzzy garage rock that has been building since the 60s and is now about to crash onto Boston, “Summertime” keeps it simple lyrically so that you can just let it wash over you.

And oh, yes, I did say this wave was going to sweep through Boston. They’re coming to the Cantab on May 15th. I want to go but I’m a little nervous I’m not tough enough. Who wants to come with me?

Death Valley Girls Facebook / Bandcamp