New Music | Devon Sproule - Now's the Time

Devon Sproule – Now’s the Time

Canadian born, Devon Sproule is about to release her new full-length titled, I Love You, Go Easy, tomorrow. Her free-spirited, easy going music feels a bit Young-ian as it ambles along with twangy goodness. And lucky for us, she’ll be touring through our fair city in a few weeks (11/23 @ Passim). Her folky roots, and intermixed pop elements permeate through her music and help create her care free sound.

Buy I Love You Go Easy

Tour dates:
11/22/11 – New York, NY @ Rockwood Music Hall
11/23/11 – Boston, MA @ Club Passim
11/25/11 – Montreal, PQ @ Le Cagibi
11/27/11 – Toronto, ON @ Tranzac