New Music | Diamond Rugs - Christmas in a Chinese Restaurant

Diamond Rugs – Christmas In A Chinese Restaurant

I love christmas music.  I really do.  My love for all things John McCauley related as well has spurred posting this kind of hilarious yet poignant track from music collective Diamond Rugs.  Diamond Rugs, if you haven’t noticed, is John McCauley (Deer Tick), Robbie Crowell (Deer Tick), Ian Saint Pé (The Black Lips), Steve Berlin (Los Lobos), Hardy Morris (Dead Confederate) and Bryan Dufresne (Six Finger Satellite).  The debut offering from the new album, “Christmas In A Chinese Restaurant” is a holiday spirited ballad about a total screw up,  a little bahumbug, and a lonely christmas spent by the protagonist.

Its a sad story, but perfect for a little christmas laugh.  I’m curious to hear the rest of the collaboration, I’m told the album will be much more rockin than this.  Looking forward to hearing what this is all about… but in the spirit of the holidays, I hope you enjoy this track.

Also check out the acoustic version Rollo & Grady produced.
