New Music | False Heads - Slew

UK trio False Heads have released another rock ass-kicking in the form of a new single titled, “Slew,” that pretty much shores up their status as the keepers of the British punk rock flame. You think that’s hyperbole? Go ahead and press play on that track up there to receive your rock n’ roll smack down in the form of heavy base lines that attack like a swarm of bees, guitar riffs that shred like Wolverine, and drum beats so vicious you may need to check yourself for bruises.
These guys are being praised by just about everyone in the music industry for good reason. They are loud, aggressive, and provide a shot of adrenaline into a form of music that has become complacent in providing the proverbial middle finger to society like the forefathers of the English punk movement did many years ago.
Turn this one up….LOUD!