New Music | Secret Club - Why Can't Friends Just Kiss on the Lips Sometimes?

Secret Club

Nashville’s Secret Club has an important point to raise.

All right, in case you weren’t paying attention, it’s right there in the title of the song: “Why Can’t Friends Just Kiss on the Lips Sometimes?” I would say we’ve all been there, but I’m not sure we have, the way they’re telling it. Sure, everyone’s been in that spot where they have a huge crush on their friend – I believe that is called “high school” – but this song isn’t about wishing you could be more than friends and having feelings and all that nonsense. Secret Club doesn’t want to date their best friend. They just want to make out with them sometimes. Seems reasonable. Anyone who has a hot friend, your homework is to give it a shot and report back.

As to the song itself, it’s dangerous-sounding, with dark-alley guitars and a driving beat. And the first lines pretty much sum it up: “I’ve known you a few years / I’ve known you a few beers” – if you’re ever going to make your move, pal, it sounds like now’s your time.

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