New Music | The Temperance Movement - Be Lucky


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[P]hil Campbell (not the Motörhead guitarist) could be likened to a Scotch Ryan Adams, rivaling the yankee as both a singer/songwriter & substance abuser, only Phil’s personal problems always kept him from ever really achieving Ryan’s level of success. But after more than a decade of VH1 Behind the Music drama (his bad behavior cost him the record deal he landed at 17), The Temperance Movement rises like a phoenix out of the ashes of his stalled solo career & reveals him to be one of Great Britain’s great rock & roll voices. Who knew?

The name hints at Campbell’s newfound sobriety, & this maturity is also reflected in the music, which recalls British greats like the Faces & Free as Campbell sings about struggle & redemption. And I can’t stress enough how great Campbell’s voice sounds, whether the band is playing Crowesy blues stompers, Stones-style r&b jams, or pensive Adams-esque ballads. And the Londoners backing him up are legit as all hell, too. The record is just packed with great guitar licks (a formidable twin guitar attack), great melodies, & tight arrangements… every track is super solid.

Their debut release, the Pride EP, was one of the most slept on releases of last year. You can get that ish @ their bandcamp. Their first full length is in the can & should see the light of day this year sometime.

Shameless plug: You can catch this band & 99 of my other favorites on my Best of 2012 mixes @