New Music | Tim Noyes - Saturday

Tim Noyes

[T]im Noyes of Aunt Martha is about to step into the spotlight, no longer under the guise of the aforementioned band, but as a songwriter and leader of a fresh new sound for him. Less of the bedroom recordings and acoustic twang of earlier recordings, but now in immersed in a totally different sound, one that is more densely packed with mood and layers. It complements his songwriting surprisingly well, and it shows on his first single, Saturday, a song written before an Aunt Martha show at a dive bar in New York. The sonic shift is evident from the first note, the rock drumbeat and the shimmering guitar riffs, it’s really the perfect vibe for Noyes’ melodramatic lyrics, as he sings “I was born to give it up,” the sonicscape perfectly marries to introspection and lamentation.

Look for Noyes’ In Hands February 19th.

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