New Music | Tourist Dollars - End of Times

I wrote most of this alone in my office in the dark last night and it seemed appropriate.
Tourist Dollars’ debut single, “End of Times,” has windswept crooning and lonely guitars; it’s magical and sad, and if this is what the end of times is going to be like, I’m on board. It evokes standing out on a bare hillside with nothing for miles, the last person alive in the world. This is a little strange because of its lushness – why would it bring something bare and empty to mind? – although I suppose if you think about it, a world without people would revert to lushness in fairly short order. I don’t know, maybe I’m putting my own spin on the apocalypse here.
It isn’t necessarily about the end of the actual world, but in case you weren’t aware, today is going to be the apocalypse, apparently, so I’m taking the song literally. Just for safety, you understand.
Tourist Dollars hail from Melbourne, and they’re coming out with their first album next year, and maybe they’ll swing up this way before the world ends. Although, come to think of it, Oct. 7th is already over, there, so it might already be too late.