New Music | Tyler Lyle - Winter is for Kierkegaard

Tyler Lyle

Georgia born singer songwriter and pal of ours, Tyler Lyle has been on a mission as of late. He got his new record funded on pledge music, has been churning out content to keep us all interested and now has finally dropped the first single from his upcoming record, The Native Genius of Desert Plants, a sophomore followup to a favorite record in my household, his The Golden Age and the Silver Girl.

“Winter is for Kierkegaard” is a driving, uplifting anthem that comes out of some serious growing up. Musically reminiscent of Fleetwood, while Lyle wraps his verses around the self-realization that growth and maturity brings. This song really brings together a new level of sophistication in his music, we’re really excited to see where the rest of the record takes him.

Look for The Native Genius of Desert Plants June 2.