New Music | Vomitface - Never Make It


Partly it amuses me to write about a really gentle, sweet band in one post and Vomitface the next. Partly this is really just good and I’d write about it anyway.

“Never Make It” is the first single from Vomitface’s upcoming EP, Another Bad Year, which comes out May 12th. It’s sludgey, it’s noisy, it’s got all the distortion you’ve ever dreamed of, but guess what? The chorus is going to get stuck in your head like a champ. You might not be dancing to it, but you’ll be humming it as you walk home in the rain today.

And maybe you can read this as a counterpoint to hopeful songs that are in the gutter but looking at the stars. “Never Make It” isn’t even looking down into the gutter, it’s wallowing in it. Vomitface is taking that voice that says “You can’t” and reveling in it, refusing to “suck it up and smile and fake it.” That’s a tack you can take, too – you don’t have to dig your way out. What if you just keep digging?

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