Newport Folk Festival 2016 | And So It Begins

It’s our favorite time of the year here at Music Savage. We anticipate Newport Folk Festival for three hundred and sixty two days… and here we are. Ready to run back n’ forth between stages in hopes of catching all of the bands on the list we have so meticulously put together, knowing full well that despite the planning all thoughts of keeping a schedule float away on the harbor breeze the moment the music kicks into gear.
The level of excitement is not only measured by the moments we spend in front of the stage where our must see musician is currently holding court, but also by the time spent reconnecting with friends old and new. These are the three days of the year when nothing else matters but music and friendship. Both are sorely needed with the current state of the world.
Although I made a point that planning falls by the wayside, that doesn’t mean extra effort wont be put forth to catch as many songs as possible from the amazing artists playing throughout the weekend. I mean have you see the lineup? Silly question, of course you have. But as Bill Murray famously stated in the fantastic summertime movie Meatballs, “It doesn’t matter, IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER,” because everyone playing the festival is going to bring their A-Game to that stage, so every performance is going to be spectacular.
To help you get through the next 24 hours before the Festival begins you can listen to the 2016 Newport Folk Festival Playlist.
We have a lot of coverage planned so be sure to follow us on social media for our daily love notes from the Fort.