Photos | Hiss Golden Messenger @ The Sinclair

Photos | Hiss Golden Messenger @ The Sinclair

There’s something about a group of incredible musicians—who also happen to be incredible friends—that can change not only your mood, but your outlook on the world around you.

As we near Christmas and this peaceful, joyous time that stresses most of us the fuck out, I can’t emphasize enough how badly needed the Hiss Golden Messenger show at The Sinclair really was.

HGM—always lead by MC Taylor—takes many forms, but the collective that took to the stage this past Monday was something special. You could feel it not only in the crowd, but from the energy being emitted from those playing in front of us.
From the opening conversation to the closing salutations, it was more like just hanging out with some (seriously talented and—dare I say—wise?) family. Family that don’t require any more of a gift than the attention you afford them and the knowledge that their words and sounds are resonating on some level.

Hey HGM, consider this a standing invitation to come hang at my place this (or any) holiday.