Photos | Ron Gallo + Naked Giants @ Once Somerville

Photos | Ron Gallo + Naked Giants @ Once Somerville

It had been a solid 8 years since I’d seen that much energy packed into a few hours. This past Friday night at Once Somerville, Ron Gallo, Naked Giants, and Gym Shorts stormed the stage and left all of those in attendance grinning like fools and wondering what just hit them.

If you’ve never seen Ron Gallo and his cohorts perform their wizardry, the experience is something you should set your mind to getting out for. From the opening trumpet call and reading, to the band member swap with Naked Giants to the closing, thrashing Beatles cover, there isn’t a moment that allows you to blink or rest. Quite honestly, I was exhausted just watching the trio of trouble makers do their thing.

Just before Gallo took the stage, the Once crowd was treated to the auditory and visual assault that is Naked Giants. I’d heard that the Seattle-based trio is nothing short of captivating and after seeing a full set from these fellas I am more than happy to report that might be an understatement. The Giants are only just beginning their careers as touring musicians (currently pushing their debut release, R.I.P. EP, but I’ll be damned if this is the last time I’ll get out to see them. And next time I’ll be bringing more people with me.

Opening the evening were local killers, Gym Shorts. And while I only caught the very end of their set, the way the crowd applauded them off the stage and the fact members of the other bands were seen thrashing around to their set is certainly a testament to the power of their rock as well. Get out and #SupportYouLocal, Boston.