Photos | Shovels & Rope @ Johnny D's

Photos by Boston Concert Photography

Shovels & Rope – Birmingham
Shovels & Rope – Boxcar

[W]e spent Saturday night at the early show at Johnny D’s eagerly awaiting the husband and wife duo of Cary Ann Hearst and Michael Trent, also known as Shovels & Rope. We’ve already mentioned how much we love their record, we’ve posted videos, waxed poetic and just gushed again and again as we listened to the records.  All that aside, Saturday night was a great night, and although they seemed to be a little tired, a little whisky and a crowd that was hanging on their every word seemed to warm them up into a fantastic night which even included a cover of Marty Robbins’ “el paso”.  Their set consisted mainly of their new material from their most recent record O’ Be Joyful, with standout songs like “Birmingham,” “O’ Be Joyful,” and “Shank Hill.” It was as billed, an anything goes kind of set, and Cary Ann and Michael’s stage presence is completely endearing as you can see the chemistry between the two of them.

Check out our photographic evidence of a very special band that is extremely dynamic, fun to watch and a couple of awesome songwriters and if you’ve got the opportunity, I highly suggest checking out this band, they are one of the truly special bands to see live, and you will not regret doing so.