Photos | Spirit Family Reunion + Thick Wild + Spitzer Space Telescope @ The Sinclair

Photos by Boston Concert Photography

Bearing witness to Spirit Family Reunion selling out The Sinclair in Harvard Square furthers the current tide that seems to be rolling through many channels today: work for it, live it, and it will happen.

Over the past few years, SFR have become well known for working their modestly sized audiences into foot-stomping, hand-clapping, throat-throttling sweats while belting out tunes that are reminiscent of a simpler time in our culture. Attending one of their shows was kind of like being in on a speakeasy. Your friends would tell you you should get to one of their shows while nodding their heads somewhat feverishly to emphasize they weren’t kidding. All the while, you got the feeling they were trying not to let the secret out. Of course, a stand-out performance at last years Newport Folk Festival (one they’ll be attempting to repeat this year) kinda let that cat out of the bag.

Not to fear, though! If you haven’t already fallen for them, you haven’t missed the boat. Friday night I saw them have the same effect on over 500 people, simultaneously. I dare say they’ve gotten better at their trade. You’ve still got plenty of time to catch this band at a venue that won’t swallow their sound whole.

Opening for Spirit Fam on this occasion were two acts with local roots: Thick Wild (formerly “MR. SISTER”) and Spitzer Space Telescope (a.k.a. one-man band Dan MacDonald). The former, fronted by Amelia Emmet, laid down a well crafted series of folk tunes that lead in nicely into the SFR set. Be on the look out for the sounds of Emmets voice. I’ve got the feeling it will travel well.

The former, Spitzer Space Telescope, was no doubt dynamic and most certainly an act I would see again. Dressed in garb harkening back to that of the middle ages, SST let loose with vocal stylings similar to early Mountain Goats and songs telling tales of lord knows what. If you’re looking to simply be entertained, I’d see if this guy is playing near you. That’s not do downplay his skills as a musician, as he certainly possesses them, but the act surrounding those skills is worth attention as well.