Photos | Tall Heights + Aunt Martha

Photos by Boston Concert Photography

[I]f you were amongst the brave few who braved hurricane like conditions this past Tuesday night to head to the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge, you were certainly witness to a pretty special event. Tall Heights, in the third installment of their residency, hosted an EP release party for their latest: “The Running of the Bulls“. In addition to being treated to a two fantastic sets from one of Boston’s brightest up-and-comers, those in attendance were also witness to a choice solo acoustic set from Aunt Martha‘s Tim Noyes in which the enigmatic singer-songwriter played some crowd favorites including an amazing version of “Blood Shot” and a cover of 2Pac’s “California Love”.

To close out the night, Tall Heights and Tim joined forces to cover Neil Young’s “Harvest Moon,” something this fella hopes ends up being tracked in a studio sometime soon.

Check out pics and vids of the songs mentioned above after the jump…

Tall Heights + Aunt Martha: Harvest Moon (Neil Young cover)

Aunt Martha: Blood Shot

Aunt Martha: California Love (2Pac cover)