Rock & Roll Rumble 2016 | Abbie Barrett

Rock & Roll Rumble 2016 | Abbie Barrett

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Night 4 of the 2016 Rock & Roll Rumble is tonight, at ONCE Somerville, and if you’re going (see you there), you’re in for a treat: tonight’s the night Abbie Barrett is playing. Her voice is straight-out incredible, and her songs will crack open your ribs. With songs ranging from wrenchers to howl along with to perfect late-night lonesome road music, she’s bagged a Boston Music Award and is coming for the Rumble crown next. Her band is packed with talent as well, and even though one band can’t be in the Rumble more than once, there’s no rule that individual musicians can’t compete in more than one year if they’re in another band that is invited. So this is a bunch of people who know what they are doing, and they’re ready to do it to us. Tonight. And I, for one, am looking forward to it.

Rock & Roll Rumble website / Facebook
Abbie Barrett websiteFacebook / Twitter