Song of the Week | Band of Gold - Well Who Am I

Song of the Week | Band of Gold - Well Who Am I

Photo credit: Anthony Huus

The latest edition in the WFMO X Music Savage Show “Song of the Week” spotlight comes to you from Norwegian duo Band of Gold. Their dynamic new single, “Well Who Am I,” is from the band’s upcoming sophomore album, Where’s The Magic, which will be released Friday, March 23rd via Jansen.

Band of Gold are songwriter Nina Mortvedt and musician/producer Nikolai Eilertsenand. They released their debut self-titled album in 2015 to critical acclaim. So much so that it earned the band the coveted Nordic Music Prize, which is the annual award for the Best Nordic Album Of The Year. Their debut was nominated that year along with the one and only Bjork and her incredible album Vulnicura, and they won!

With the coming release of their highly anticipated follow-up album, Where’s The Magic, the talented duo are setting themselves up to be the next big Norwegian breakout band here in the states, and if the accolades they have been receiving from music fans in Europe are any indication of what is to come, 2018 is going to be quite a year for Band of Gold.

Pre-order Where’s The Magic