#HotTakes | Week of 06.03.24
Songs we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.
Songs we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.
Songs we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance. In Your Arms // Telos Vision PIECE OF ME // Tré Burt A Gun In Every Home // Wings of Desire Eau De Toilette // Beatenberg Cool About It // boygenius Complicated Man // J.M. Clifford i suck at grieving // Lauran Hibberd Intheskatepark
Billy Keane
Songs we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance. Scratch Your Metal // Divorce City Slickers // Rainbow Girls Runaway // Jon Muq (I Wanna B Ur) 90s Dreamgirl // Hannah Marks Imaginary People // Viv & Riley The Place That Makes Me Happy // The Moss Shania Twain Is Making Me Cry
Songs that we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance. You’re OK // Ron Pope Stars // Eileen Torrez Tulsa Town // Chris Pierce New Love’s Mortal Coil // AMAARA loveseat // two blinks, i love you Haunted Mountain // Buck Meek What About // Louise Post Cherry Baby // Jenny Lewis Anywhere