The Ones that Got Away

It was impossible to choose my top 20 (i chose a 1 and a 1a) and I felt like I was shortchanging some great music out there this year.  So, I thought it would be a good idea to view the ones that got away this year.

Drive By Truckers  – The Big To-Do

Drive By Truckers consistently put out fantastic music year in and year out.  This year their album, the Big To-Do (released in March) and sometimes I feel like they don’t get enough attention.  If southern rock / country is your thing, these guys do it really well.
Hear: Daddy Learned to Fly

Titus Andronicus – The Monitor

Titus Andronicus & their album The Monitor was brand new to me this year and I found it shockingly fantastic.  Their brand of rock / punk is loud, bombastic and oh so fun.  It’s a lo fi rock gem thats a must have.

Hear:  A More Perfect Union

Broken Bells – Broken Bells

Broken Bells hit the scene this year and put together a self titled debut.  I guess it wasn’t much of a surprise that Burton and Mercer would make some fantastic music together.

Hear:  The High Road

The New Pornographers – Together

Together was a great album and one that was a breath of fresh air to hear.  The duo of AC Newman, and Neko Case proved again to be a fantastic creative core.  There are just some awesome pop songs on this album that are as lush as they come.

Hear: The Crash Years