Video | Meat Wave - Sham King


Friends in Chicago: I am concerned for your safety! In this eye-opening exposé from Meat Wave, it appears that the Grim Reaper stalks your streets. On a bike. Be alert!

Or, if you want to be strictly accurate, Chicago’s Meat Wave (top-notch band name alert!) has put out a new video for their song “Sham King.” It’s not every punk song that can put a falsetto to use, so this one’s worth a listen. Aside from their awesome name, Meat Wave has a few other things going for them. They’ve just opened for Perfect Pussy in Brooklyn, and their new EP Brother has a Wipers cover on it (“Mystery,” in case you’re wondering). And specific to Boston punk aficionados, they remind me of DCDR a bit – at least, enough that seeing them share a bill would probably be a pretty good show. Not that this could happen immediately; Meat Wave is heading out to the UK next month, so brace yourself for hacky jokes about a Meat Wave sweeping over England and so forth.

Oh, and if you don’t think that Death picks up a guitar and starts shredding epically on it after he strikes you down, you don’t know anything about rock and roll.