Video | Ray & Remora - Honey Beware

I don’t write about dream-pop very often (you’d be forgiven for replying “You don’t write about anything very often,” I know, mea culpa), but this is different. This is Ray & Remora’s latest, “Honey Beware,” and this video was shot in a very sweaty bar in Austin, Texas this year in August. I know this because I was there.

Let’s back up. Ray & Remora. From LA, used to be a two-piece but now they’re more (having added keyboards and drums for their new album). The Remora of the name is Amanda Walker and her gorgeous, ethereal voice, and the Ray, well, if you want to get technical about it, that’s Dan Crane. But I’m willing to bet the largest number of people in this world know him as Bjorn Turöque – one of the most famous air guitarists in the world, and Master of Airemonies at both the US national finals and the World Championships in Finland (and quite a few other competitions besides). And here he was in Austin for Nationals weekend, with a new song coming out for his band, so what else could he do but invite every air guitarist who’s anyone onstage before the Dark Horse competition to populate his video?

If you listen to the song in a vacuum (which… why are you in a vacuum?), you might not think it lends itself readily to air guitar, but we don’t shy from a challenge. Besides, there’s room for air drums (that’s CindAIRella) and the majestic air keyboard stylings of one Cold Steel Renegade. And then things really get weird. Half the air guitar family jumps up onstage, taking on all the instruments, or just dancing if that’s what moves them. Turns out this song has way more for an air guitarist to do than you thought. Are you playing along yet? You should be.

And why is Bjorn in a dress, as his alter-ego Ivana Turöque? Mind your own business.

Ray & Remora website / Facebook / Twitter